Travel Updates:

River Cruise & Beatles Explorer

04th April 2024 / Latest News

Ferry across the Mersey on the River Explorer Cruise and visit famous Beatles locations with the Beatles City Explorer bus.

Discover the Beatles and Liverpool on the City Explorer and the Mersey Ferry with one ticket.

Bus Running Times:

  • The Beatles Explorer bus departs the Royal Albert Dock daily at 11am & 1pm (April to October), with an extra 3pm service in August. A single 12pm service runs from November to March.

Bus tickets are valid for 2 days. Mersey Ferry tickets can be used anytime.

See the Best Beatles Sights in Liverpool With Our Bus Tour
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beatles right
Buy Tickets Online
Our vehicles are wheelchair friendly. Call 0151 933 2324 if you have other accessibility requirements.

Our Partners

We work with some of Liverpool’s leading tourism organisations in order to provide the very best experience the city has to offer